Experts’ Column

Odisha’s ancient ties with Indonesia are glaring testimony to centuries of fruitful relationship between India and Indonesia. As India seeks to engage Indonesia more and more, history should be brought back to life to energize…

Great power relationships come with both opportunities and challenges. In recent times a pertinent question that has arisen from the recent strategic congruence between India and the United States is whether this relationship has come…

Can the Traditional Knowledge System (TKS) in the Himalayan Region help the globe sustain its developmental activities in myriad of fields ?

‘The traditional obligation to defend freedom and the necessity for co-existence with adversaries’, a  principle US foreign policy dilemma, is currently reflected in Australia’s predicament of choice between the US and China.

In the latest round of Shangri La Dialogue held last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi specifically outlined the contours of India’s Indo-Pacific policy by emphasizing the phrase, “free-open and inclusive”.

Can humanitarian assistance and disaster response be the foundation to revive the Quad?

Indian epics are a great source of “soft power”, but the exercise of this soft power to connect with Asian countries is perhaps much below its potential.

Oceans and seas form a continuous chain separating landmasses and therefore demands attention from the geopolitical angle. The significance of oceans and conceptualization of the Sea power and how gaining control over strategic waters determines…

Given the intricate nature of regional complex dependence in the Indo-Pacific, new emerging power centers, increasing overlaps in economic and security policy considerations for states and revisionist scrambling by major and middle powers of the…
