Experts’ Column

Iran has been an enemy of the United States since the Iranian hijack of the US Embassy in 1979, which led to the downfall of President Jimmy Carter. Iran is a friend and trade partner…

In the last few years, the term ‘Indo-Pacific’ has become the new buzzword in international politics. It has gained traction at every global discussion and major multilateral and bilateral organizations. Conceptually, the term Indo-Pacific describes…

The Indo-Pacific has become the resounding catchphrase in International Relations discourse these days. While the construct gives centrality to India, allowing it to project power and become a norm shaper, it is not without its…

India has been advocating rules-based order and freedom of navigation in the Indo-Pacific. India also calls for a multilateral order that would protect the interests of all.

Bangladesh’s GDP is growing at 8.1 percent, which has set the stage for India to engage deeply with its neighbors in order to promote economic exchanges. Moreover, India’s engagement with Bangladesh through bilateral and multilateral…

India has been consistently maintaining that its Indo-Pacific strategy is not aimed against any particular country but rather favors ‘inclusive multipolarity’ and the 2+2 dialogue mechanism provides for an excellent opportunity to calibrate a cohesive…

The government of India is evincing its growing seriousness towards engaging with the concept of the Indo-Pacific, readily mulling over it and eventually embracing this strategic conception.

While the idea behind India’s Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative seems a product of the ideational continuity of India’s policies in the region, its future relevance is subject to political will, resource backing, and a fair share…

Notably, since the inception of Pakistan in 1947, the roots of democracy have been weak and not permitted to mature by the Military. Every time there was a time to select the highest appointment or…
